I had recovered well from my marathon on Sunday, mountain biking Monday and Tuesday and running 5 miles prior to track. Legs were still a little tired but I figured I could run easy and just have fun. Yeah, right.
Joe R would lead off, followed by Lee, myself and anchored by Keith O. For most of the 4 mile relay we had a good battle going with dysfunctional team of Michael Wade and friends (I'm pretty sure no one on his team ran a marathon...slowly, this weekend). In the end, we finished in 2nd, just a few seconds back. This supposedly fun workout turned out to be much harder than I thought and I was a hurtin' pup at the end.
My laps were: 70s, 74s, 74s and 74s and we finished up with a total time of 21:53. In retrospect, I would not recommend speed work 3 days after a marathon.
Indoor track starts January 4th!
"no speedwork 3 days after a marathon" LOL!!
(My quads are still a bit sore from Baystate!)
I think I've finally figured out how to beat you this year. "Randomly" pick a strong team and then ride their coat tails. You'd think I would have remembered that from Pineland.
Of course, that marathon thing helped too. :)
Can't you, Chris and Denis find some other master to play with? Because of you guys I have to train year round.
Only 220 days until I can get you and Denis to shut up about Pineland Farms. Tic tic tic.
You think we had some studs at Pineland this year. Wait til next year. Our team will be so fast that Denis and I won't even be able to be on it.
Hey, wait a second ...
I see the problem, you had Keith O on your team!! You're to funny!!
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